Phase 3: CLASS 001 Special Forces CQB (Close Quarter Battle / SUT (Small Unit Tactics) NOVEMBER 16 &17


Close-Quarters Battle (CQB) Training Overview of CQB principles and techniques Room clearing, entry techniques, and movement formations Close-range shooting drills and rapid target engagement Use of cover and concealment in urban environments Stress inoculation drills for real-life scenarios.

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Close-Quarters Battle (CQB) Training Overview of CQB principles and techniques Room clearing, entry techniques, and movement formations Close-range shooting drills and rapid target engagement Use of cover and concealment in urban environments Stress inoculation drills for real-life scenarios.

Close-Quarters Battle (CQB) Training Overview of CQB principles and techniques Room clearing, entry techniques, and movement formations Close-range shooting drills and rapid target engagement Use of cover and concealment in urban environments Stress inoculation drills for real-life scenarios.

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Sale Price:$3,500.00 Original Price:$3,875.00
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